
Hi everyone! My name is Jessica and I am the owner and sole operator of Chattahoochee Candles.

Chattahoochee Candles started like most things do. With a simple personal lifestyle change that became a mission to educate the world. Back in 2012 when I first became a mom, I did what most moms do. I diligently researched every ingredient in everything! So when it came down to simple household items like candles, I was shocked to learn just how toxic your standard, big box store paraffin candles really are. I then looked for cleaner and more natural candle options. At that time, there weren't many out there. So, I started a hobby! But like some hobbies do, it became an obsession. And the more I educated my friends and family about these candles and the toxic secrets the industry had been keeping from us, the more I would get requests from them for their own candles. Soon, I was receiving requests for certain scents, custom labels and so on. This, is how Chattahoochee Candles was born.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and have a blessed day!